Benefits of Membership

  • Professional Development

    Professional development is crucial in today's dynamic and competitive job market. We offer cutting-edge professional development both throughout the year, and at our annual symposium.

  • Career Opportunities

    Gain access to job and other career opportunities on the Supply Chain Management Association British Columbia job board.

  • Networking

    We regularly organize networking events throughout BC where our members can connect and gain insights into challenges and solutions.

  • Advocacy

    We are dedicated advocates, actively addressing the concerns that impact our members and the Supply Chains across British Columbia.

Types of Membership

Regular Membership

A professional in the field of supply chain management or an accreditation candidate in the professional designation program.

Student Membership

A full-time student at a publicly funded post-secondary educational institution in Canada in a course of study as preparation for a career in supply chain management.  Must submit proof of full-time student status with application.

Future Supply Chain Leaders Membership

A recent graduate/early career practitioner from a post-secondary educational institution with an interest in a supply chain management career. Must submit proof of graduation with application.

Academic Affiliate Membership

Full-time academic instructors teaching at a post-secondary institution.

New Canadian Membership

A recent immigrant to Canada interested in learning more about supply chain management in Canada.  Must submit government documentation confirming arrival date in Canada.

Retired Member Membership

An individual previously admitted as a Regular Member who has retired as a professional and is not receiving remuneration in the field of supply chain management